15th November, 2021
Recent Successes
2021 so far has seen many business transfers, industrial units and office spaces in demand - it's a good time to sell or lease - get ready to join the list of successes below:
The Ark, East Street, Newquay
The Ark is a retail development offering a total of c.12,000 sqft. The unit offers ground floor accommodation of 2,700 sqft with a double height entrance/reception space and first floor accommodation of 1,500 sqft which was let to 99 Hippos Recruitment.

Old Lanwarnick Cottages, Duloe, Liskeard
An award winning holiday complex occupying an idyllic setting in circa 33 acres in South East Cornwall.
The five/six holiday cottages have been rated 5 Star Gold by Visit England. There are two residences, one being an 18th Century Farmhouse and the other a bright and modern property.
Sold off a Guide of £2,250,000

31-33 Coinagehall Street, Helston
An impressive retail unit with very good street frontage comprising 13,240 sqft overall (1,230 sqm) which was let to Poundstretcher.

White House Inn, Perranzabuloe, Truro
A 170 cover Freehouse set in 5 acres with a 12 letting room lodge, 5 letting units and 3 managers'/owners' flats.
Sold off a Guide Price of £750,000

25 Market Place, Penzance
We completed the purchase of this prime retail unit on behalf of a private client which comprises a ground floor retail unit with well configured accommodation and storage to rear of 2,097sqft.

The Cooperage, 37 Cooperage Road, Trewoon, St Austell
We completed the sale of this appealing 4 bedroom guest house which is well presented throughout with 4 appointed guest bedrooms and spacious owners' accommodation on the ground floor.
Sold off a Guide Price of £360,000

32, 33 and 34 Tresillian Business Park, Probus, Truro
In the latest phase of development, all three units each with an area of 1,800 sqft were let off plan. The estate is now fully let.

Lands End Hostel & B & B, Mill Barn, Trevescan, Penzance
We have completed the sale of this beautifully presented hostel and bed & breakfast close to one of the UK's most iconic tourist destinations. The business offers a mix of luxury Hostel style accommodation with one self contained B&B room plus a small shop and a stunning owners' two bedroomed apartment.
Sold off a Guide of £585,000
To join the list of Successes please contact our team:
Businesses for Sale - Freehold or Leasehold
Graham Timmins 01872 247019 / 07900 604078 or email gt@miller-commercial.co.uk
Paul Collins 01872 247029 / 07814 423058 or email pc@miller-commercial.co.uk
Jonny Bright 01872 247022 / 07425 311949 or email jb@miller-commercial.co.uk
Commercial Property & Buildings
Thomas Smith 01872 247013 / 07825 114802 or email ts@miller-commercial.co.uk
Mike Nightingale 01872 247008 / 07748 907008 or email msn@miller-commercial.co.uk
Will Duckworth 01872 247034 / 07876 387575 or email wd@miller-commercial.co.uk
Thomas Hewitt 01872 247025 / 07584 027142 or email th@miller-commercial.co.uk
About Miller Commercial
As Chartered Surveyors and Business Property Specialists, Miller Commercial offer market leading services across Cornwall, the wider South West and the UK as a whole. Clients are attracted by our breadth of experience, depth of knowledge, and the sheer number of transactions we successfully conclude.